Vitamin D: Symptoms You Ought To Know & Fixes You Ought To Implement

Meta Title: Vitamin D Deficiency - Key Symptoms & Effective Solutions

90% people in the United States are Sunshine or Vitamin D deficient! Something hard to digest but that’s what the truth is.

Owing to this unfortunate reality, more and more health experts have started taking this ‘very’ vitamin ‘very’ seriously. Though almost every individual lacks it, people living in areas with less year-round exposure, people with dark skin and those who are overweight are found to be more deficient.

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey have researched that more than 90% US residents who have darker skin pigments have bodies with inadequate vitamin D. Talking about the white people, their ratio covers 75%.

Increase in population of overweight children and adults has significantly increased the incidence of vitamin D deficiency symptoms. The more this graph, the more possibilities of developing hypertension, cancers, infectious disorders and autoimmune diseases.

Did You Know? Sunscreen Blocks 95% of Vitamin D Production

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes

When a person doesn’t consume sufficient amount of this vitamin or when their body isn’t able to absorb and metabolize it, deficiency is inevitable. Other potential reasons include:

Living at a high latitude: These locations have less access to ultraviolet-B rays.
Keeping confined to the indoors: Staying inside too much keeps away from spending time out in the sunlight, the excellent source of vitamin D.
Living in polluted location: Pollution grabs rays of sun and hence, lowers chances of building vitamin D.
Ambient temperature: Warm skin absorbs sun’s rays better, which leads to production of vitamin D as compared to cold skin.
Diet: Vitamin D rich food or food items fortified with it lower possibilities of deficiency.
Age: With increasing age, ability to absorb the vitamin decreases.
Gut health: Health issues affecting the gut undermine ability of the intestine to absorb the vitamin.
Kidney and liver health: Individuals suffering from kidney and liver diseases have low levels of the vitamin.
Pregnancy or breast-feeding: Vitamin D levels reduce due to nutritional demands of an infant or fetus.

Vitamin D & Sunshine

Majority of the people believe that their body acquires vitamin D with consumption of fish, milk or supplements such as cod like oil. However, to benefit the best of this essential vitamin, nothing else is better than direct exposure to the sun.

As per experts, 10-15 minutes of regular sunlight without sunscreen is ideal for people with fair to medium tone. But when it comes to people with dark skin, they are recommended to spend from 40 minutes to an hour in the sun regularly. For the ones living farther from the equator, there has to be more time in the sun. Last but not the least, one has to increase the exposure by double the suggested time during the winter season.

Concern for getting tanned or skin damage is obvious when one is under the sun. What needs to be done in such condition is applying sunscreen to face & hands and not on the limbs. This way, enough skin is open to suck in and create the needed quantity of the vitamin.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

  • Muscle weakness or pain
  • Decreased endurance
  • Brittle or thinning bones
  • Osteoporosis & frequent fractures
  • Back pain
  • Getting sick or infected frequently
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Mood swings
  • Hair loss
  • High or rising blood pressure
  • Impaired wound healing
  • Feeling exhausted even after sleeping for enough hours

Reversing Vitamin D To Open Doors Of Wellness

The more people you ask, the more ways they tell and the more you feel confused. Without being trapped in any form of dilemma, take a look at just three strategies that are best known to bless you with ample of the vitamin.

1. Adequate sunlight

Already explained above, sunlight is not just natural but the most cost-effective way to stabilize the optimum level of vitamin D. Being under the sun helps the body to produce the vitamin on its own.

2. Vitamin D rich food

This vitamin is not abundantly found in most of the food items. Luckily, there are certain foods that do contain it and they are:

  • Oily fish like pilchards, sardines, herring, tuna, salmon and mackerel
  • Fortified foods of say foods with added vitamin D like particular cereals, margarine and infant formula milk

Some recommendable options include:

  • Eggs: 20 IU per 1 whole egg
  • Cooked salmon: 360 IU per 3.5 ounces
  • Fortified milk: 98 IU per cup
  • Cod liver oil: 1,360 IU per tablespoon
  • Fortified cereal: 40 IU per ¾-1 cup

Maintenance therapy

Maintenance is something that has to be followed to stay safe from further deficiency in future once apt levels of the vitamin are replenished.

4. High dose medication

Certain liquids or tablets have high doses of vitamin D and are safe to be taken daily, weekly or monthly. They are known to settle the deficiency rapidly, especially in growing children. However, consulting the physician is extremely important before starting the medication.

5. Standard dose powders, tablets or liquids

These are meant to be taken for up to 12 months to fill up the deficiency. As they are slow in replacing the vitamin; thus, are best to treat mild deficiency or for the prevention purpose.

6. Injection

For those who do not want to take the medicines orally, there come a small injection of the vitamin D that last for 6 months. The injection is completely safe.

What’s The Right Quantity?
Life Stage Recommended Amount
Birth to 12 months 400 IU
Children (1-13 years) 600 IU
Teens (14-18 years) 600 IU
Adults (19-70 years) 600 IU
Adults (71 years and older) 800 IU
Pregnant and breastfeeding women 600 IU

Say Hello To Vitamin D To

  • Cut down the risk of breast cancer
  • Reduce risk of multiple sclerosis
  • Support verbal communication
  • Keep away from autism
  • Avoid premature death
  • Bring down the risk of dementia
  • Decrease possibility of cancer

It is simply amazing that keeping this special vitamin in place is all one needs for a healthy & wealthy body. Likewise, it is quite regretful that the vitamin in underrated. No matter how limited your knowledge was about vitamin D until now, with so much to benefit from it, you must make it a crucial part of your everyday life. Moreover, when the price to imbibe it almost negligible, you don’t get an excuse to not fuel your body with it.

“Whatever your health goals be; they are possible with the friendly vitamin D”

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